
 One of the things about school that you can rely on is that we operate around schedules and routines.  Students learn how to enter the building in the morning, how their class begins (with a slow start of reading usually), how to transition to other classes like music or gym, and what their daily schedule looks like.  

At home sometimes things are less structured which is normal, however, there are a few routines that can provide comfort and stability to children.  

I recommend that you consider what are your bedtime procedures?  Young children especially need reminders of all the responsibilities they have before bedtime.  Does it start with a calming activity with parents, such as story time, peaceful music, or a bath?  Getting cleaned up personally or even in their bedroom also helps to transition to a calm sleep routine.  Some families like to prepare for the morning the night before by packing lunches and setting out clothes for tomorrow.  Start at least 30 minutes before bedtime and remember their bedtime (even at 12 years old) should be much earlier than yours as an adult.  

Morning routines are important too and although it certainly is normal to feel like mornings are hectic, it's important for us to remember this sets the tone for our child's day.  Preparing the night before definitely helps as does parent prep before the kids wake up.  Teach your kids to comb their hair, get dressed and brush their teeth independently.  Then as the parent you just need to double check on the backpack and other things they need for the day like instruments, sports uniforms, lunch, snow pants, etc.  

If this is a daily struggle for you, you're not alone!  Phew - these routines are hard!  Make a chart to help everyone remember their jobs and the steps to make things run more smoothly.


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