The Key Words Our Kids Need to Hear

 Acceptance:  "I love you"  You hold your child's self-esteem in your hands and your words and actions of love matter deeply to your child.  They need to hear and see that you love them on a regular basis.  They might not always feel accepted by their peers but they can be assured of your love for them no matter what.

Affirmation:  "I'm proud of you."  Kids need to know that you see them, you see their hard work and their kind heart.  More than any award, competition or grade at school, your affirmation of them can make them soar.  Remind them often that you are pleased with who they are at the core of their being.  How affirming!

Validation:  "You're good at...."  You know your child better than anyone else and you alone can perceive their strengths and their abilities.  Kids are hungry for praise from their parents and recognition that they have done a good job or show some talent in a particular area.  You're good at helping others, you're good at being a big sister, you're good at reading, you're good at running... 

When you give your kids the acceptance, affirmation and validation from you at home, they will be less likely to go seek it in all the wrong places in the world.  It's easy to remember:  I love you, I'm proud of you, and You're good at....


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