Teach your children how to fish....

 Do you remember the old saying, Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”?  

When you are working with your children, training them and teaching them life skills, it can be easy to step in and do many things for them.  For younger children, it could be tying their shoes for them and for older children it might be constantly reminding them not to forget their homework.  As parents, we want to help them and it's hard to watch them struggle sometimes.  

Instead of peeling that orange, let them work hard at it and be rewarded by the fruit of their labor.  Instead of carrying their backpack for them, have them build up strength by carrying it themselves.  Instead of rushing to school with a forgotten lunch, let them problem solve how to ask for school lunch instead.  

We must follow this old advice and make sure we are teaching our children how to take care of themselves, how to do hard things and struggle through imperfection.  We must teach them how to fish.  


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