Parents v. School?

These days it seems like any issue can become a battle and charged with intense emotional responses.  But school should never be a battleground and I'm not just talking about kids fighting at recess.  I've seen a few news articles about ugly battles between schools and parents across our nation and I'm grateful that has not ever been the case here in Shell Lake.  I am here to reassure you, parents and guardians, that we are all on the same team and we all share the same priority:  the best interest of your child for their happiness and success. 

I can guarantee you that at Shell Lake, it is our pleasure to work cooperatively with parents and build a strong relationship between teachers and parents in our community.  We want your input and we treasure your valuable part in your child's life.  We are better together!

There are three keys to positive relationships between parents and the school.

1.  Open communication - we will do our best to send out weekly notes about what is going on in class and regular comments about your student individually as well.  Parents, please keep the school informed on things going on at home that might impact school and any concerns you have for your child.  

2.  Assumption of Positive Intent - we've probably all had a mama bear moment where we react impulsively because our job as parents is to protect our kids at all times.  (Well, maybe not all of you have experienced that but I can say that I do empathize with it😉).  But the truth is that adults at school and at home all want what is best for the child and no one wants to do something that would be detrimental.  So, when something seems really wrong, let's remember that teachers and parents both have big hearts for these kids.

3.  Parents and the school are working together to develop fully mature, functional, kind citizens for our future.  Our goal together is to foster more independence and self-efficacy in our children each year and to create strong, self-confident people who will go on to do great things. 

Parents, thanks so much for sharing your greatest treasure with us and trusting us with them.  


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