Online Safety

 In this digital world, our children are in front of a screen sometimes as soon as they can crawl.  Kids are learning quickly about how to find their favorite shows and games online but do they know how to stay safe when they are on their tablet or phone?  

As children navigate the worldwide web, it's just like they are wandering around their neighborhood streets.  It's crucial that we monitor them so they don't find themselves accidentally lost in a place that really isn't safe for them.  A couple of tips for you as you manage your child's time online:

1.  Children should be monitored while on any online platform, just like you wouldn't let them wander all over town without supervision, you shouldn't let them all over the world unsupervised.  I would recommend charging devices in public areas like the kitchen or living room.    

2.  Talk to your kids about what they are viewing and playing online.  Make sure you know who they are friends with in these online social spaces - they should never be friends with someone online that they don't know in real life too.  

3.  It's ok to set limits on phones, to put in blockers so they can't access everything and to say no to certain apps you don't approve.  Kids need limits in order to stay safe.

Learn more about online safety and the variety of apps your kids are using on Common Sense Media.


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