Goal-setting for kids

 As we turn the page on a new year, many of us may consider New Year's resolutions.  This is a time for reflection and for considering where you are meeting your wishes, hopes and dreams and making them come true.  Setting goals helps us as adults to be motivated and work hard at something because we have a bigger purpose and vision.  

In the same way, this could be a great time to help your child set some goals.  It could be to work on a skill they already love, such as doing gymnastics moves or throwing a baseball.  The goal might be to try something new this year like archery or maybe to read through an entire series set of books.  

In setting goals, kids need to make sure they are realistic and something they can reach within a reasonable amount of time.  Goals are most likely to motivate us when it's something we truly see as valuable and when we can see the finish line in the near distance.  Help your child set some goals this year and monitor their progress in meeting these goals.  

Happy New Year!


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